A zero Waste society

Adolfo F. L. Baratta

Urban recycling and earthquake

Agostino Catalano

Casa project: evaluation of environmental impacts by LCA

Rossano Albatici, Silvia Borghini e Michela Dalprà

Reconstruction with ruins. Hans Doellgast, Josef Wiedemann, Rudolf Schwarz

Vitangelo Ardito

The recyclability index and its application in buildings made with reused iso containers

Fernando Barth, Luiz Henrique M. Vefago e Luana Toralles Carbonari

Insulation recycled materials in building enclosure: comparison of energy performance

Laura Calcagnini

Rifiutile! Possibilities of georeferenced ICT in the intersectorial waste reuse for architecture

Paolo Carli e Alessandro Rogora

Reuse of the rubble from total or partial collapses of buildings struck by earthquake

Agostino Catalano

The endogen reuse: an experimental case in L’Aquila (Italy)

Stefania De Gregorio, Luis Palmero, Maria Cristina Forlani e Pierluigi De Berardinis

Aggregates recycled plastic for structural lightweight concretes. Re-orient a search path downstream of a cycle of experimentation concluded

Ornella Fiandaca

Reversible design, urban micro-architectures and experimentation of sustainable closed processes

Francesca Giglio e Giulia Savoja

Remove. Recycle. Rebuild. The difficult fate of the rbblu form earthquake

Raffaella Lione e Fabio Minutoli

Rammed earth and recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste: evaluation of mechanical performances

Antonio Magarò

Characterization of WBA as SCM

Luigi Mollo, Rosa Agliata e Raffaele Cesaro

Reuse of end of waste materials for eco innovation of supply chains: an experimental mapping in Sardinia (Italy)

Antonello Monsù Scolaro

Reuse and restoration. A small farm buildings by Gion A. Caminada

Nicola Panzini

Gluing, screwing, welding: connecting methods and technics for the reuse of building materials

Alessandro Rogora e Paolo Carli

Micro silica from rice husk in high performance concrete as substitute for silica fume

Andres Salas-Montoya

Materials and technologies for the reuse of plastic waste in the buildings construction

Camilla Sansone

Waste: threats and opportunities for its reuse/recycle in the “building - industry 4.0”

Adriana S. Sferra